
Guessing Can’t Assure Justice.
Before you vote, check the ratings here, at Judge4Yourself.com.


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Independent Non-partisan Ratings of Judicial Candidates Here Before Every Election

Before you vote in any election in Cuyahoga County, review our independent non-partisan ratings of candidates in every contested election for state or municipal court. From our ratings page, you can access candidate photos and short biographies, and descriptions of the work of the courts where the candidates seek office. You can vote “all the way down the ballot” with confidence!

Judge4Yourself.com’s ratings are made by six cooperating bar associations, with the help of dozens of experienced lawyers—many who work in the courts every day. We interview the candidates, and review their answers to our questionnaire. We get the input of lawyers who know their work.

Judge4Yourself.com’s ratings are non-partisan, and independent. We care only whether the candidates will be competent, fair and trustworthy judges. So we focus on each candidate’s integrity, knowledge, experience and diligence, and on every candidate’s ability to be impartial, even-tempered and respectful to the people who must come to court.

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